F3A Competition Results
Current Project: Extra 230
Piper PA-18 (Roedel)
Glens 30% Cap
Step-Four Milling
Vacuum Technology
Photo Gallery
Links: Manufacturers etc.
About Me


1 During a visit in Linz/Austria in April 2006, I managed to get into a full-scale SF25 C Falke (OE-9342). The video shows the plane before the flight, then a short sequence of the flight over Linz, and the landing of another Falke (SF25 E / OE-9127). Funnily enough, the very nice pilot was a former MIG 21 pilot from the Czech Republic!

Here is a link to the plane on the Fliegerklub Linz website.


2 In May 2006, I visited for the first time the Sandown show, and managed to have a chat with Christophe Paysant-Le Roux. What a nice chap!

Here is CPLR with my son Max:


3 A small video on starting a Zenoah 62 for the first time...


4 Full scale participation at the 2007 Rufforth LMA show was absolutely outstanding with a P-51 Mustang and the MK356 Spitfire (Saturday). For the very interesting history of this Spitfire please see http://www.bbmf.co.uk/fighters.html. Here is a short video of these two outstanding aircrafts.


5 Summer 2007 saw us in France, which gave us time to visit Quimper airport - what a great, friendly Aero-club they have there!

This was a first for me in a Jodel Robin, one great thing about this plane is that due to the low front windows visibility is excellent!



6 Summer 2011 - staying in GB with the caravan and getting a flight in a DH89 Dragon Rapide in Kent (http://www.combinedops.co.uk/)!


F3A | F3A Competition Results | Current Project: Extra 230 | Piper PA-18 (Roedel) | Glens 30% Cap | Step-Four Milling | Vacuum Technology | Photo Gallery | Links: Manufacturers etc. | Miscellaneous... | About Me | Contact

This site was last updated 03/02/12